Thursday, November 4, 2010


Fair warning... this post is a bit lengthy.

Yes, we are still pregnant. Yes, our ESTIMATED due date (note I said ESTIMATED not expiration) came and went. Yes, believe it or not, it is ok. No, there is no intention or plan to induce at this point. "What the?" you say. Keep reading...

First, we have a lot of faith

Faith in ourselves. That we are intelligent, responsible, educated, highly informed people who have put LOTS of time and effort into learning and researching and making the best, safest choices for our baby in our particular circumstances. We have not wandered blindly through our pregnancy, nor are we un- or under-informed about our current "overdue" status. We are constantly weighing the benefits vs. risks of our options as our pregnancy progresses and will act accordingly. Right now, there is no medical indication that anything needs to be done. I am healthy, baby is healthy. So, we are making every effort to have patience. No two marriages, no two women, no two pregnancies, no two babies, and no two births are the same, thus, there are no medical protocols that fit everyone (contrary to common perceptions and medical practices). Our choices may not be right for you and visa versa, but I urge you, educate yourself, and be your own advocate.
"If you don't know your options, you don't have any." Diana Korte and Roberta Scaer, authors of A Good Birth, A Safe Birth

Faith in our care providers. A wonderful, caring group of Ivy-league educated professionals who educate, advise, and advocate rather than dictate. They combine a strong belief in the natural physiological process of pregnancy and birth with the safety-net of western medicine. They practice medicine based on current, modern research findings rather than standard protocols implemented long ago and though thought safe a the time, many of which have been found to NOT be safe or beneficial, or only so in very specific circumstances, NOT across the board or for the sake of convenience.

Faith in our doula. From her website: "A doula is someone who supports pregnant/laboring women emotionally, physically, and with sound information during her pregnancy and the birth of her child. A doula assists in educating a pregnant woman with knowledge of risks and benefits allowing her to weigh her options when it matters most.  As your doula, I am your assistant and advocate, I will impart information and make sure your wishes are met, but will not make decisions for you.  Whether you want to birth at home, in a birth center, or in a hospital, I will work in harmony with you and your caregivers to ensure that you, your family, and your baby are well cared for.  A doula may not make diagnoses or perform medical treatments or techniques." She has been an invaluable addition to our team of caregivers because of her wealth of knowledge and information, and because she has no other agenda than to take care of us. She has no obligation to anyone but us, not the hospital, not the doctors, her only priority is supporting us through this process.

Faith in God, nature, and the natural process. Baby will come when he's ready. Women have been delivering babies via spontaneous, natural labors for thousands of years. In fact, depending on your age, many of our mothers, and most of our grandmothers did so successfully. Only fairly recently has intervention and intensive management of pregnancy and birth become so popular. Unfortunately, if you look at the statistics, and look at the outcomes (maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality, i.e. injury and death), societies that believe in and practice care based upon the natural process have significantly better outcomes than those who practice high-tech, intensely managed, highly interventionist care--like is prevalent in the US. Does modern medicine save lives of mothers and babies? Absolutely. Do MOST mothers and babies need "saved" from the "perils" of pregnancy and birth? Absolutely NOT. The research, literature, and facts are there. What you choose to seek, see, and to believe is up to you.

Now, on to the business of being "overdue".

From Henci Goer's "The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth"

"A better term than overdue would be the medically correct postdates. "Overdue" implies that going past your due date is a problem, rather like overbaking a cake. On the contrary, inducing for exceeding your due date is a textbook case of how mainstream obstetric care keeps narrowing the definition of normal until practically no one fits, which then creates the "need" for intervention. True, a small percentage of women don't begin labor when they are supposed to. And, yes, placentas are not made to last forever. Still, mainstream postdates management has little scientific basis.
Up to the late 1980's, conventional obstetric wisdom held that if pregnancy continued two weeks past the forty-week due date, either labor should be induced or some sort of periodic testing of fetal well-being should be done. Nonetheless, induction [not testing] became the norm."
"There are problems with the due date itself. You may be surprised to learn that the conventional forty-week pregnancy length is completely arbitrary. It was established by a German obstetrician in the early 1800's. He simply declared that a pregnancy should last ten moon months, that is, ten months of four weeks each. However, when researchers in a 1990 study followed a group of healthy, white women, they discovered that pregnancy in first-time mothers averaged eight days longer than this."
"In addition, ultrasonography, the current standard for assigning due dates, does not reliably do so accurately."
"It gets worse. While even the forty-two week limit isn't sound, in recent years the "time's up" date has backed up to forty-one weeks, and then forty weeks. " Thus "first-time mothers are not only NOT "late" at forty-one weeks, they haven't even reached the average pregnancy length."

Ok, Laci, we get it, so maybe you aren't medically "overdue"... but still, why not induce? Lots of people do and everything turns out fine. Get that little man here because we are all dying to meet him!!

Well, here's the deal. The day I found out we were pregnant, my world almost altogether ceased to be about me, and began revolving around what's best for this baby. It wasn't a conscious shift, it just happened, and for awhile, I didn't even realize it. 

The Cascade Effect: a vicious cycle, why we are choosing to avoid interventions if possible.

It's all about chance. Even if something has only a small percent chance of negative effect, meaning most people who use it turn out fine, I don't want to be that small percent affected negatively. So, by choosing to avoid unnecessary intervention, I reduce my chance of negative side effects from that intervention to zero. If it turns out we need it... ok. But why risk it if we don't need it?

Every intervention (i.e. things like continuous fetal monitoring, iv's, disallowing food/drink during labor, inductions, pain meds, episiotomy, cesarean, etc.) comes with a surprising and scary list of possible risks and negative side effects. I won't get into all of them, you all know how to google. The bigger problem is what's called the Cascade Effect: one seemingly harmless intervention has a side effect, that requires another intervention to fix it, that has another effect, that required another intervention.... you get the idea... that eventually leads to cesarean section. Cesarean section... MAJOR SURGERY-the most common major surgery in the US-that comes with a whole host of possible negative side effects including increased chance of maternal or fetal death! Ok, yes, it sounds dramatic, but it is true.

Inductions increase the risk of fetal distress leading to cesarean, problems that are then attributed to the baby's condition rather than their real cause--the induction itself. Unlike the natural process in which contractions begin slowly and then increase in duration, frequency, and strength, induced contractions start out long, strong, and frequent posing the risk of compressing the umbilical cord (among other potential problems, like failure of the induction altogether), and viola, fetal distress, that can lead to c-section. Natural, spontaneous labor allows the mother's and baby's bodies time to produce pain blocking endorphins and other chemicals and hormones to cope with the stress and pain of labor. The human body comes fully equipped with impressive coping mechanisms. Induced labor doesn't allow this and the body's coping mechanisms can't keep up. Leading to use of pain medications and all of the potential side effects they carry with them (again, you can google), often leading to what? You guessed it, fetal distress, and c-section.

Do these scenarios always come true? Of course not. Are they common enough to be cause for concern? Yes.

The bottom line.

We are not crazed radicals who are refusing necessary medical care. We have great doctors and support people and are planning to deliver in a state-of-the-art hospital fully equipped and prepared to handle any complications. I am healthy, baby is healthy, and we are being monitored closely for any problems that could arise. If things change, our plan will change accordingly. The goal is to have the healthiest happiest baby we can, and part of achieving that goal is to minimize risks, and especially to avoid choosing options that increase risks. We are excited to welcome our little man into the world and can't wait for his arrival, and are 1000% confident that we are making the best possible decisions for us and our circumstances!!

Am I huge and uncomfortable. YES. Enough to take unnecessary risks. NO. So... until his debut... patience. :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Bump

36 Weeks

 37 Weeks
38 Weeks

39 Weeks

Monday, October 18, 2010

If I wasn't us, I'd be super jealous of us.

That's what I told Jason yesterday evening as we filled our bowls with seconds of homemade red beans and rice with shrimp.

It really is the little things that make life great. A perfect, cool fall evening complete with gorgeous sunset. Supper by the fire in the backyard... a backyard that you can have a fire in. Leaving the windows open and the a/c off. Sunrise walk... well, ok, waddle... with the dogs. Enjoying what are sure to be the last calm, quiet days I have left for a very long time.

I am truly, truly blessed.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

38 Weeks & Awesome Shower

Less than two weeks to go. WOW! I am excited, anxious, and nervous all at the same time! The doc told me Monday to make sure my bag is packed and the car gassed up because it could be "go" time any day now!

I mostly feel ok still. My hips and pelvic bones ache almost constantly, but according to the doc, this is good, it means he's descending and getting ready to go! My feet and legs look like tree trunks, also due to the added circulatory constriction caused by his dropping lower, but the good news: not long to go! and, up until now I've been very lucky and blessed to have very few and very minor discomforts.

Thank you again to all of the wonderful ladies (and their male counterparts that helped!!) that hosted a baby shower for us this past weekend. It was tons of fun, and so great to get to see and visit with everyone! The food was awesome, the decorations were perfect, I think that's THE best diaper cake I have ever seen, and the cake was SOOOOO good! Thanks also to everyone that came and brought us something special for baby Chapman, he's not even here yet and already spoiled! There will be pics to come! I didn't take any, but there were several cameras around!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Crazy? Maybe. Happy about it? Definitely!

**Caution: In parts of this post I get up on my soap box and rant. If you don't care to hear it... then stop reading!

At 31 Weeks pregnant I fired my original Obstetrician--not recommended at near mid-third trimester. I'm sure that she's a perfectly good Doctor, just not the Doctor for me. Our attitudes and philosophies towards pregnancy and birth are DRAMATICALLY different, and I soon learned, unfortunately due to the way most doctors are trained, that my attitude and philosophy towards pregnancy and birth are very very different from most doctors, and honestly, most women. I'm not judging other people's choices, I'm just telling you what I feel is right for me. Pregnancy is not a disease, and thus should not be treated like one--doctors are generally trained from the perspective that women and pregnancy are broken they have to "fix" it. It is a natural physiological process that has been happening-without doctors and tons of drugs-FOREVER--doctors are generally not trained in the "natural" process. Contrary to what this doctor told me, I believe that most women and their bodies, when prepared adequately (Note that most women are NOT prepared adequately if at all), ARE physically and mentally capable of handling pregnancy and birth with little or no intervention. Don't get me wrong, I do believe that high quality prenatal and delivery care by a professional is a necessity, their job is to watch for, catch, and treat anything that does go wrong, and that drugs and interventions can be a good thing and do have their place. I know that there are situations in which intervention saves the lives of moms and babies. My major disagreement or complaint about the mainstream system is its gross overuse of all these interventions based solely on convenience or "standard protocol" with little to no regard for the possible side affects for moms and babies. Most mainstream doctors are not practicing and adjusting their practices according to the research, many it seems are still using practices that the research is not finding beneficial at all (or even safe!), and much less so when used for every woman, regardless of medical necessity. The general attitude is that if an intervention has a side affect, it's ok, because they can treat that side affect with another intervention, and if that intervention has a side effect, it's ok, there are more interventions that can be done... it's a vicious cycle. Most women, who trust their doctors' knowledge and skill, just as I did going into this pregnancy, are never told about all of the things that could go wrong with interventions and all the added risks they are choosing to take when they have elective interventions. All too often, women are encouraged to choose intervention for convenience. Dr: "I have a tennis lesson to get to, so let's just go ahead and do that c-section". Why would doctors, the people who are supposed to take care of you, encourage you to choose MAJOR SURGERY when, in many cases (obviously it is necessary sometimes), there is a safer alternative, or it's just as safe to be patient and do nothing! Women are not being told that they have a much smaller chance of things going wrong if nature is allowed to take its course.  Being patient and allowing the process to happen is inconvenient. Most women are told about interventions, "Don't worry, it's safe." or "You just leave that up to me." I, however, was not satisfied with this kind of blatant evasion of my questions. Had it not been for my desire to research and learn all I can about pregnancy and birth, and the support from both my super awesome husband and my super awesome doula, (and my rebellion against being told that "women can't do that") I too would have simply followed in line with all the rest. Again, no judgment intended, just expressing my opinion.  

So, in my frustrating quest for a new doctor in the B/CS area that would have a "less interventionist" philosophy (and take my insurance), I came up empty handed. All of the doctors/practices that I researched and/or visited with had alarmingly high rates of induction, cesarean, and episiotomy (one doc had an 80% episiotomy rate! yikes!), and I learned that both hospitals in B/CS also have intervention rates well above the state averages, and standard protocols that are not conducive to a non-interventionist birth. Not a good sign. Yes, I know that plenty of perfectly healthy, happy, babies are delivered here and in similar hospitals with similar doctors all over the US, but that still does not make it the right situation for us. Plenty of our parents rode around unbuckled or in the backs of pick-ups most of their childhood and turned out fine... that still doesn't make it safe.

When in doubt, what do I do? Google! And... viola! Where else but good old Austin, TX would I find the answer to my prayers. A practice with both doctors and midwives, with a strong non-interventionist philosophy (they only use interventions when truly medically necessary), that works with a super supportive LDR unit at a nationally acclaimed, top of the line, state of the art hospital. AND is only a little further from our house than B/CS. After perusing their website for awhile, talking to one of my best friends who lives in ATX and delivered her youngest son at the same hospital, getting rave reviews from all questioned including friends and friends of friends in the ATX area, I called to inquire. After brief conversations with a couple of nurses and one of the midwives explaining my situation, I was approved for and encouraged to transfer and I was set up for a consultation appointment the very next morning! What a whirlwind! 

It was wonderful! I had no idea the true extent to which I was displeased with my original doctor until I visited the new one! Jason went with me the second time, and we attended the hospital tour and the meet and greet with all of the doctors and midwives with this new practice. They all openly share the same philosophy of care, and since they work in a collaborative model, we will meet and get prenatal care from all of them, and be guaranteed that (at least) one of them will be present during my birth (much different from the "Only if I'm on-call" approach by my first dr).It's been so refreshing to be treated like a person experiencing a wonderful thing, not just a chart that needs some drugs and  procedures assigned to it!

I could go on and on (and would be glad to, all you have to do is ask!), but long story short, I am pleased and confident with the decision we have made!

Interested in learning more about any of this?? Here are a couple of great, eye-opening books that I read and would definitely recommend! Especially to moms! (I have them if you'd like to borrow!)
The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth-Henci Goer
Ina May's Guide to Childbirth-Ina May Gaskin

Has it really been three weeks since my last post???

It appears that it has... lots to update!

Only a little over a month to go before the arrival of Baby Chapman (who is still nameless)! Wow!

I am officially unemployed as of last Wednesday! Yay! I have however, been keeping  myself quite busy. Jason has been accusing me of nesting, but I say I'm just doing all the things I've been going to do since we moved in here (i.e. cleaning out the weird boxes of random junk that no one knows why we kept and moved in the first place!). I'm also packing away all my work stuff to be stored, reorganizing to make room for baby stuff, and just generally purging the house of the random useless junk. Ok, so maybe I am nesting a little... but I've sure been giving my golf cart a good workout hauling stuff to the dumpster! And, I've learned, that roomba is a floor's best friend!

Went to Angelo last weekend for a wonderful baby shower hosted by my sisters, two cousins, and one of my very best friends. It was great! Great food, great friends and family to visit with, and of course, great baby stuff! Thanks everyone! I did learn however, that riding in the car for that long at 7 1/2 months pregnant is not fun.

35 Week bUmPDATE

How far along: 35 Weeks, 1 Day

Total Weight Gain: +35... I feel like a big BEAST!

Stretch marks: only a few little ones!

Symptoms: my. hips. hurt.

Sleep: so-so, between my hips keeping me awake, and getting up to use the restroom every 2-3 hours. Not much longer though!

Best moments this week: 1. Cash-dog sniffing my belly and then sticking his ear up against it like he's listening to Baby. Hahaha! 2. Two words: Caterpillar cake.

Movement: all the time

Food cravings: Mexican food

What I miss: Not planning every outing away from the house around where the good pit-stops are.

What I look forward to: Dr. appointment Wednesday

Weekly wisdom: Smile, people will wonder what you're up to!

Friday, September 3, 2010


The inner-workings of my brain are a mystery... even to me...

Is it my love for learning?... is it my weird (sometimes morbid) curiosity?... is it just a complete fascination with the worlds of information available on a whim via the internet phenomenon called Google? Why I ponder seemingly useless, irrelevant, information is beyond me. Who really knows. In any case... here's a little sample of some of the smorgasbord of things that pop into my head, often with no apparent stimulus, on any given day, that I proceed to Google:
*Please note that none of these are intended to be rude, insensitive, or otherwise offensive. I am genuinely curious...
  • Do small people (dwarfs, midgets, etc.) have smaller toilets in their houses? If not, logistically, how does that work? step stool?
  • How big is a baby armadillo?
  • This one is courtesy of my sister: What happens to fish when lightening strikes a body of water? 
  • What does whale poo look like?
  • Do elephants really have excellent memories?
  • Are unicorns considered wild or domestic?
  • Ok, I get how a blind kid can SEND a text message... but how can he read the response??? I'm not being rude, it's a legitimate question!
  • Clarify herd vs flock. Lots of buffalo (don't fly)=herd. Lots of cattle (also do not fly)=herd. Lots of pigeons (fly)=flock. Lots of geese (they fly too)=flock. Lots of sheep (fly? no)=flock? hmmm...
Curious now aren't you....

Monday, August 30, 2010

32 Week bUmPDATE

How far along: 32 weeks, 1 day

Total Weight Gain: +30

Stretch Marks: I discovered a few... but they are small!

Symptoms: nothing new except my hips get achy

Sleep: usually pretty good, sometimes hard to get comfortable

Best moment this week: finally getting the picture for his room in a frame without breaking the glass... I guess third time is a charm!

Movement: all the time, less big movements and more squirming and wiggling

Food Cravings/Aversions: macaroni and cheese... yum.

What I miss: having some heat tolerance. Poor Jason is going to turn into a popcicle!

What I look forward to: visitors this coming weekend! Angelo the next weekend!

Weekly wisdom: Listen to your intuition... it may be trying to tell you something important.

The Bump

So... I've been a bit of a slacker with the photos. What can I say? I'm a busy girl!

Week 27

Week 31

Week 32

Only 8 more (give or take...) weeks to go!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

30 Week bUmPDATE

How far along: 30 weeks, 3 days

Total weight gain: +25

Stretch marks: not yet!

Symptoms: Increasing frequency of insomnia, edema (swelling), super sensitivity to certain smells (coffee smell... makes me gag), shortness of breath

Sleep: restless, lots of tossing and turning despite the 42 pillows I try to prop and support with

Best moment this week: seeing that beautiful face on the ultrasound

Movement: all the time

Food cravings/aversions: sweets

What I miss: seeing my feet without craning my neck and bending over :)

What I look forward to: actually meeting this little miracle

Milestones: 3/4 of the way there!

Weekly wisdom: Despite its discomforts-which I have been blessed enough to only experience mildly if at all-I'm actually enjoying pregnancy. I am truly thankful that have been granted the opportunity to experience first-hand the creation of a new life.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

4-D Ultrasound Pic

Love this face already!

At our appointment last week (28 weeks and some days), the Dr. thought he was measuring kinda big-like 4 weeks big-so she scheduled us for an ultrasound Monday to get a better idea how big he is. He appears to be totally healthy, and turns out he has a BIG head, 93rd percentile, full of brains of course... he get's this from his mommy. :) His abdomen is a bit bigger than average for this gestational age, and his legs are right on track with average. We go back again next week to find out what this all means, if anything.

A Work in Progress

The conversion from office/junk room to nursery....

This is where everything in our house that does not have a designated "place" lives... er.. lived.

Mammaw was good help cleaning out the room...

Blank slate...

Begin furniture construction...


Is that a manatee?? oh.. right... that's me...

Furniture construction makes honey tired...

There's still much progress to be made... but it's a great start!

Monday, August 2, 2010

28 Week bUmPDATE

Oops... missed 27 week.

How far along: 28 weeks, 1 day

Total weight gain: holding steady at +23

Stretch marks: still none showing

Symptoms: more frequent insomnia... same, other than that

Sleep: yes please, I would love to.

Best moment this week: listening to baby's heartbeat with my at "home" heart monitor

Movement: getting stronger all the time, less tiny ninja, more tiny DONKEY

Food cravings: chocolate

Belly button: still in, but almost completely flat

What I miss: fitting in the first thing I put on

What I look forward to: Brooklyn's wedding this weekend, and going H.O.M.E.

Weekly wisdom: Change is good... and inevitable. Don't fight it... embrace it and love the good things that it brings.

Milestones: Third trimester!

The End Is Near

Though I am excited and anxious for camp to be over, the end is all a little bittersweet. I am happy to be finally putting my marriage and family first, and excited about the changes soon to come, but as I spend what is my last few days here, a part of me is filled with sadness. Sadness to be cutting loose from the place and organization that has been such a huge part of my life and my personal and professional development for such a long time, and a place that is  filled with so many memories.

But, all in all, change is for the better right? The personal and professional connections I have made will remain regardless of my employment status. The memories are still mine. No bridges have been burned. 

So, I look forward with optimism to the changes and challenges that lie ahead. I have always been open to new opportunities and unafraid to walk into newly-sometimes unexpectedly-opened doors. Look out world! I'm about to be a free agent!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Recent Happenings and Week 26 bUmPDATE

Had an excellent weekend celebrating the end of single-ness for Brooklyn. They started Friday with a fun day on the lake, but I spent Friday with Jason and then joined the festivities Friday evening at Shar's. Saturday involved sleeping in, lingerie shower, delicious Japanese supper, and then Pete's Dueling Piano Bar, where luckily, if you are the pregnant designated driver, you get all the free water you can drink! After a brief search for the vehicle and a bit of navigational confusion (thank you Ft. Worth roadways) we all made it home safely! The girls all slept in but I of course was wide awake at 7:15, so I got myself up and joined Jason and family at church and then lunch. Now I'm back at camp on a lovely Monday morning preparing for the arrival of our next camp this afternoon. Less than three weeks of camp remain. Let's hope it goes by fast!

Week 26 bUmPDATE

How far along: 26 weeks, 1 day

Total weight gain: +20.5

Stretch marks: still none... one of these mornings I just know I'm going to wake up and they'll be there!

Symptoms: same, cankles, heartburn, bathroom visits every 20 minutes... plus occasional sleeplessness

Sleep: getting harder and harder to actually get to sleep, but usually good once I drift off

Best moment this week: spending the day with Jason

Movement: he's practically the karate kid

Food Cravings: yes, I crave food.

Belly button: still in... but barely!

What I miss: home

What I look forward to: going home

Weekly wisdom: Me-So, where's the car? Response (yes, she was serious)-Shouldn't it be where we parked it? Me-Thank you for clearing that up.


Monday, July 12, 2010

The Bump Weeks 21-25

21 Weeks

Sorry,  Missed 22!!

23 Weeks

24 Weeks

25 Weeks

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Week 24 bUmPDATE

How far along: 24 weeks, 2 days

Total Weight Gain: +18

Stretch Marks: not yet....

Symptoms: fiery dragon breath heartburn, bring on the tums. Calf cramps... youch!

Sleep: pretty good when I'm not having crazy weird dreams or waking up for the heartburn or the leg cramps.

Best moment this week: sleeping and waking up in my own bed this past weekend.

Movement: all the time. He's going to be a NINJA!

Gender: Boy... although, the Santa Anna Dairy Queen lady--apparently the local authority on the gender of perfect strangers' babies based on belly shape--disagrees.

Food Cravings: fresh fruit

Belly Button: hardly a button anymore... almost flat.

What I miss: icy cold coca cola

What I look forward to: Friday Dr. appointment, and weekend visitors!

Weekly Wisdom: "It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Week 23 bUmPDATE

How far along: 23 Weeks

Total weight gain: +16

Stretch marks: still none yet

Symptoms: I no longer have ankles... my calves just attach directly to my feet... ugh.

Sleep: mostly good

Best moment this week: Jason felt him move for the first time, very cool!

Movement: lots! Kicking, rolling, and punching. Seems like all day long (and some at night!).

Food cravings/aversions: nothing new

Belly Button in or out: still in, but getting flatter and flatter.

What I miss: home... my own bed... 

What I look forward to: the end of camp and getting to go home for good. 5 Weeks left, you can do it Laci.

Weekly wisdom: Don't forget to take a moment to breathe.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Bump

More pics of the blossoming belly! It's getting pretty obvious now!
17 Weeks

Sorry! Missed 18!

19 Weeks

20 Weeks

Summer Staff Training, 3rd Anniversary, Minor Scare, and bUmPDATE

So I'm sure you can all tell--by my lack of updates--that I've been very busy with camp! It's fun but tiring, I'm looking forward to August... the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter!

Staff training the last two weeks of May went well! It flew by and I think I've got an outstanding group of young people to work with for the remainder of the summer!

I am thankful everyday for my wonderful husband and his patience, strength, and love. I can't imagine my life without him. For the third year in a row, Jason and I celebrated our anniversary apart, but we did get to spend that weekend together! We met at a campground on the Brazos River, just below Possum Kingdom Lake, and spent our Saturday paddling the 19+ mile stretch that I'll be taking kids down on our adventure trip here in a few weeks. We were pretty tired by the end--it really should be split into a two day trip--and with it being Memorial Day weekend, we decided to pack up and go get a hotel room and a real bed instead of sleeping on the ground like we did the night before. On Sunday, we went over and had lunch with Dida, then spent the afternoon  doing some shopping and a few errands. 

Back at camp the following week, I stayed busy with planning and preparing, more lifeguard training, and the first of two Hunter Ed/Shooting Sports Camps... maybe a little too busy it turns out. We had a little bit of a scare last Friday. Mid morning I started having some lower abdominal cramping. I went and read my book (not the best plan I found out) and it told me all about all the horrible things that cramping could be a symptom of... cue panic. After talking with the camp nurse, I went to lay down and rest for awhile, but after about an hour and no improvement, I went ahead and called my doctor. They said it could be nothing, but for me to go ahead and go get checked out. So, long story short, after being shuttled all over the medical center, I ended up in OB hooked to some monitors and other things. I was in fact having uterine cramping (a.k.a. small contractions), but it was triggered by bladder cramping caused by a bladder infection, which is very very common during pregnancy due to the added pressure and stress on the bladder. Phew! We were relieved and thankful that it wasn't anything more serious. By supper time, they had me pumped full of fluids and antibiotics, had the cramps pretty much stopped, and had sent me home. Well, back to camp "home". Mama came and spent Friday and Saturday nights with me to help enforce the strict R&R instructions I was given, as well as entertain me so I didn't get too bored. It was nice having her there, we had a good time not doing much of anything!

Now almost a week later, I've had another busy week at camp, am almost finished with my antibiotics, and am feeling fine!

On to the good stuff...

20 Week bUmPDATE:

How far along: 20 weeks, 4 days

Total Weight Gain: +10... picking up the pace now!

Stretch marks: still none yet!

Symptoms: Nothing new or strange.

Sleep: Usually good, between getting up to "go".

Best moment this week: Trying to feel baby movement from the outside... it's getting stronger!

Movement: LOTS. Punching, rolling. wiggling, mostly mid-morning and when I lay down at night. Really I feel it anytime I'm sitting still.

Food Cravings/Aversions: green olives... I've NEVER liked them until now.

Belly Button: still in but getting flatter... may be on its way to being an outie.

What I miss: Amos

What I'm looking forward to: Baby gets a gender TOMORROW!! (Well, it already has one, we just find out tomorrow!)

Weekly Wisdom: Laughter is the best medicine.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Bump

11 Weeks

12 Weeks

13 Weeks

14 Weeks

Sorry missed 15!

16 Weeks

Catching up!

Sorry for the lack of updates!! Summer is about to be in full swing and thus my schedule is in overdrive! I start Summer Staff training next week so I'm busy finalizing the plans for that, and then the first week of June summer camping season is upon us!

The good news: I feel great! I have more energy (thank Goodness!), and because summer at camp is SO busy, it also flies by!

So... the last 2 weeks in a nutshell:

16 Week bUmPDATE (sorry, I missed 15 weeks):

How far along: 16 weeks 5 days

Total weight gain/loss: +5 lbs., 3 of those in the last 2 weeks. Baby is growing!

Stretch marks: none yet... we'll see what is to come!

Symptoms: hungry

Sleep: good

Movement: not sure, sometimes I think I might feel something, but it's still hard to identify for sure.

Food cravings/aversions: still loving the cheese and carbs. Cheesy tortilla anyone??

What I miss: Caffiene

What I look forward to: 16 week appointment tomorrow!

We had a wonderful Mothers' Day Weekend with Dida, Larry, and Shannon. Fun play time with the girls on Friday, after picking Shannon up from the airport. More girl time on Saturday while the boys had their own fun. I attended the Williams-Batla wedding Saturday evening in downtown Fort Worth and had a great time catching up with friends, while Jason was at the Ranger's game with Larry where they also had a great time. Church on Sunday morning, followed by delicious Mother's Day lunch, and a lazy afternoon. Then back to work on Monday. Oh, and did I mention my new iphone??? Thank you family!

This weekend I plan to stay home! Enjoying a little down time and getting ready for my move to camp on Sunday.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

12 Week Pics & 14 Week bUmPDATE

Close up of the peanut at 12 Weeks.

Zoomed out view.

How far along:  14 weeks, 3 days

Total weight gain/loss: Not sure... need to go weigh I guess.

Stretch marks: Not yet...

Symptoms: Same... waiting for the exhaustion to ease up...

Sleep: Good

Best moment this week: the gift from dog :)

Movement: they say I should feel it soon!

Gender: We'll find out either at 16 week appointment or 20 week appointment

Food Cravings/Aversions: not really... 

What I miss: Hmm... can't think of anything off hand
What I look forward to: More time at home.

Weekly wisdom: The best things in life are free. Faith, love, bluebonnets, box turtles, pretty sunsets....

A gift from dog

Jason and I do our best as dog parents, but unfortunately because we're so busy, many days, the dogs don't get much more than food twice a day and a pat on the head. So they are left to their own devices for entertainment. Amos does pretty well. He doesn't seem to mind as long as he gets a little love and some food. He spends his day napping, barking at squirrels, napping, sniffing, sitting in the water trough, and napping. But, Velvet on the other hand, needs more to do. In efforts to overcome her boredom, she has become a digger. Not just a scratch scratch here and a scratch scratch there digger.... I mean tunneling-to-china, holes-big-enough-to-bury-a-horse DIGGER. So, because she has pretty much completely destroyed the dog pen, and occasionally tunnels under the fence and gets out (thank goodness this is not her daily goal or we'd never keep her in!), we've been trying to come up with ways to get her to stop or at least slow the digging. We've tried toys.... she just buries them. We've tried electric fence... she just digs deep enough that by the time she gets to the fence, she's too far under it to get zapped. We've even contemplated murder... but that seems a bit harsh.

So my newest idea is to get them as much exercise as possible. In theory, if she is able to burn up some of her energy, she won't want to dig as much. A run in the morning, a run in the evening, and when I'm here, I let them out as often as possible throughout the day. I want to try leaving them out to roam the property during the day, but we're hoping that our turkeys are nesting right now, and I don't want the dogs disturbing them, so being out all day will have to wait.

I've done this for a few days now and it seems to be helping--yay! Yesterday, the dogs "helped" me take care of my morning chores before work--water the garden, haul the trash down to the road for pick up, etc.--and then I decided while I was doing dishes and such--where I could see them out the back window--that I'd try leaving them out for a bit. They were great! I gave them each a chew bone and they settled down in the grass to chew. I checked on them every few minutes and they seemed happy to be hanging out in the yard. Then I looked up and Velvet was gone. Agh. So I called her, and I could hear her tags jingling, but she didn't come around the corner for a minute. But OH was she proud of herself when she did. She went and got me a gift and brought it to me and put it right down at my feet.

A slobber covered, terrified, closed up tight as it could be, box turtle! Cool! She was just elated about her find, (as was I!) and though I'm quite certain she wanted me to throw it for her, I rescued it, and put the dogs up for awhile.

The turtle stayed closed up tight for about an hour, before it started peeking out at its surroundings. Phew! No more dog! It took a good two hours before it ventured out for a stroll, encountered a curious cat, hid for a bit, then wandered off on its way.

Oh how I do LOVE not living in town!

Monday, April 19, 2010

13 Week bUmPDATE

After a less than awesome first visit to the new doctor, I got a good report and a new sonogram picture!

I arrived at the office at 2:30; 30 minutes early just like I was instructed to do. The paperwork got processed quickly and they had me come to the back. This is when things headed south. I found out that I was only scheduled for a new patient checkup, not the new OB patient appointment--which takes much longer than just a new patient--that I was supposed to have. After several people asking me repeatedly if I was SURE I told them I was an OB patient when I made the appointment--of course I told them! That's why I'm here! My former doctor referred me here because she doesn't do OB anymore! I vividly remember saying THOSE words on the phone! Ok, stepping down from my soap box now--they moved me to a room and told me they'd be back in a few minutes. Forty-five minutes later, the nurse finally comes in and again, asks me if I told them when I made the appointment that I am pregnant. (Cue crying) Now she feels really bad. So I get settled down and then she explains to me the my new doctor is now in the middle of 3--yes 3--emergency deliveries next door at the hospital. Great. So, long story short, after being shuffled from room to room and waiting area to waiting area, in and out of the paper gown multiple times, they finally got all 1 bazillion family health and history questions asked, did my blood work and sonogram (will post pic soon!), and I got to meet the new doctor. Turns out she's wonderful, and I'm so thankful that I was granted the patience to wait. She answered all of my questions openly and honestly, didn't even interrupt me, and just seemed very attuned to my needs. Phew! I was beginning to wonder if I needed to start the new doctor search all over again! So, though it was 5:30 before I left, we got an all healthy report, another appointment in a month, and I think I really like the new doc! And I bought myself an icecream after I left because I was a very good girl at the doctor. :)

How far along: 13 weeks, 2 days

Weight Gain/Loss: Still steady at +2lbs., but my pants keep getting tighter!

Stretch marks: Trying to prevent... slathering on the cocoa butter!

Symptoms: T.I.R.E.D.

Sleep: good

Food Cravings: cheese and carbs (pasta, bread, tortillas...)

What I miss: Jason... I'm at camp all week

What I look forward to: breakfast... and then lunch... and then an afternoon snack... :)

Weekly Wisdom: Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. ~Matthew 6:34 

Have a great week!


Scissortails and Springtime

Last week, for the first time this year, I saw scissortails around our place! Spring has arrived!

I absolutely love Spring! (Except for the pollen allergies!) Buds, blossoms, and blooms galore! Everywhere you look it's such a picturesque scene! Birds sing and frogs call, serenading all within hearing distance. I try to take at least a few minutes each day to sit out to watch and listen to the world awakening from its winter slumber.

Happy Spring Everyone! 

Side Note: I didn't take these pics, but they're good!


Monday, April 12, 2010

Lazy Weekend and 12 Week Update

We had a nice weekend of doing as little as possible! We both got home late Friday night--me from Brownwood, and Jason from doing a survey--and though we had plenty we could have done this weekend, we didn't do much of it, and it was GREAT!

Saturday consisted of a big breakfast.... at 10:30, talking about the productive things we could be doing, a nap, lunch, more talk of the things we could be doing, another nap while Jason watched the Master's, and then a trip down to the ranch for some evening fishing followed by some Mexican food for supper. There was also some intermittent back porch sitting, talking to the dogs and kitties, and watching the garden grow--it's looking great! What a fantastic day! A much needed breather for both of us since we're only going to get busier with work--and life--the next few weeks and months.

Sunday involved much of the same plus some turtle hunting and a walk around the property. We finished off the evening by picking out and ordering furniture for the peanut's room!

So now we're back full swing into another busy week! Jason and the guys are getting into shad season, and I'll be on the road again tomorrow, back on Wednesday night, College Station on Thursday, San Antonio Friday, San Angelo for the weekend, then back to camp through the following Sunday. My "busy summer season" has officially begun, and it's not even summer yet! Time flies when you're having fun!

12 Week bUmPDATE:

How far along: 12 weeks

Weight Gain/Loss: Holding steady at +2lbs.

Stretch marks: None yet! Have been using the cocoa butter!

Symptoms: Mostly just tired. A physical fatigue like none I've ever experienced before. Sometimes light-headed when I stand quickly.

Sleep: same

Food Cravings: root beer float...YUM!

What I miss: sushi

What I look forward to: getting some energy back, meeting the new dr. on Thursday

Hope you all have a great week!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

11 Weeks

Baby Chapman at 9 weeks 3 days

How Far Along? 11 weeks, 2 days

Total weight gain/loss? +2 lbs., no noticeable bump yet, I just look like I might need to lay off the powdered sugar doughnuts and ice cream.

Symptoms? Luckily I have had very few so far! Mild nauseous spells sometimes (usually cured by a snack), my sense of smell is becoming stronger all the time, I can barely button most of my pants, but mostly I'm just tired, tired, tired, all the time.

Sleep? Usually pretty good... between getting up to use the restroom every couple hours.

Gender? TBA :)

Food Cravings/Aversions? none to speak of... yet!

What I'm looking forward to: Our appointment with the new doctor next week.

Weekly Wisdom: Don't sweat the small stuff.

Milestones: We're just a few days away from the end of the first trimester!

First Post-April 5, 2010

Friends and Family,

Welcome to the Chapman Family Blog! We hope you enjoy being able to keep up with us from afar!


Laci, Jason, and Baby

Vital Statistics:
Born September 7, 1983, grew up in San Angelo, TX. Graduated Lakeview High School class of 2001, and Texas A&M University class of 2005. Currently the Program Director at the Texas 4-H Conference Center, part of the Texas 4-H & Youth Development Program.

Born October 14, 1982, grew up in Crowley, TX. Graduated Crowley High School class of 2001, and Texas A&M University class of 2005. Currently with Lochow Ranch, pond and lake management service.

Married May 26, 2007. Moved into our awesome new home near Milano, TX in May of 2009. Two dogs, three cats, and LOVE being away from town! and I've gotten pretty good at stocking up on groceries for a month at a time!

Newest events: we found out mid February (and managed to keep it a secret for an entire month!) that we are expecting our first child sometime in late October. We are excited (and a little scared!) about all the changes in store, but are blessed to have wonderful, loving, families and friends to support us in this new adventure and share the journey and all its exciting milestones!