Friday, September 3, 2010


The inner-workings of my brain are a mystery... even to me...

Is it my love for learning?... is it my weird (sometimes morbid) curiosity?... is it just a complete fascination with the worlds of information available on a whim via the internet phenomenon called Google? Why I ponder seemingly useless, irrelevant, information is beyond me. Who really knows. In any case... here's a little sample of some of the smorgasbord of things that pop into my head, often with no apparent stimulus, on any given day, that I proceed to Google:
*Please note that none of these are intended to be rude, insensitive, or otherwise offensive. I am genuinely curious...
  • Do small people (dwarfs, midgets, etc.) have smaller toilets in their houses? If not, logistically, how does that work? step stool?
  • How big is a baby armadillo?
  • This one is courtesy of my sister: What happens to fish when lightening strikes a body of water? 
  • What does whale poo look like?
  • Do elephants really have excellent memories?
  • Are unicorns considered wild or domestic?
  • Ok, I get how a blind kid can SEND a text message... but how can he read the response??? I'm not being rude, it's a legitimate question!
  • Clarify herd vs flock. Lots of buffalo (don't fly)=herd. Lots of cattle (also do not fly)=herd. Lots of pigeons (fly)=flock. Lots of geese (they fly too)=flock. Lots of sheep (fly? no)=flock? hmmm...
Curious now aren't you....


  1. I hope that no one ever steals my computer and looks at all of the things I have googled because it would be embarrassing. :) Google is my best fran.
