Monday, April 12, 2010

Lazy Weekend and 12 Week Update

We had a nice weekend of doing as little as possible! We both got home late Friday night--me from Brownwood, and Jason from doing a survey--and though we had plenty we could have done this weekend, we didn't do much of it, and it was GREAT!

Saturday consisted of a big breakfast.... at 10:30, talking about the productive things we could be doing, a nap, lunch, more talk of the things we could be doing, another nap while Jason watched the Master's, and then a trip down to the ranch for some evening fishing followed by some Mexican food for supper. There was also some intermittent back porch sitting, talking to the dogs and kitties, and watching the garden grow--it's looking great! What a fantastic day! A much needed breather for both of us since we're only going to get busier with work--and life--the next few weeks and months.

Sunday involved much of the same plus some turtle hunting and a walk around the property. We finished off the evening by picking out and ordering furniture for the peanut's room!

So now we're back full swing into another busy week! Jason and the guys are getting into shad season, and I'll be on the road again tomorrow, back on Wednesday night, College Station on Thursday, San Antonio Friday, San Angelo for the weekend, then back to camp through the following Sunday. My "busy summer season" has officially begun, and it's not even summer yet! Time flies when you're having fun!

12 Week bUmPDATE:

How far along: 12 weeks

Weight Gain/Loss: Holding steady at +2lbs.

Stretch marks: None yet! Have been using the cocoa butter!

Symptoms: Mostly just tired. A physical fatigue like none I've ever experienced before. Sometimes light-headed when I stand quickly.

Sleep: same

Food Cravings: root beer float...YUM!

What I miss: sushi

What I look forward to: getting some energy back, meeting the new dr. on Thursday

Hope you all have a great week!

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